Digital forensics is the science behind obtaining valuable electronic evidence or information from electronic devices. Contego Solutions provides investigative experience combined with the latest digital forensic tools and applications, offering a competitive edge in today’s litigation environment. By offering unparalleled expertise, our technical Experts works with you to identify, recover, collect, preserve, process, and produce electronic data for use in investigations and litigation.
Digital Forensics
- Computer Forensics:
Full range of all leading digital forensic technologies as well as tailor made solutions to acquire, analysis and reporting on digital evidence even if deleted data.A typical computer investigation process well mostly include five stages preservation, Acquisition, Analysis, reporting and closing case, with most famous tools in the world.
- Mobile Forensics:
We offer country specific solutions for data recovery, cloning, analysis, and decryption (or bypassing). Our tools support more than 13000 Mobile dives and GPS devise like IOS devise,android, BlackBerry and Chinese phone. We working with deferent tools to achieve best practices in Mobile Forensic.
- Network Forensics:
Wide range of highly scalable solutions for rights management, filtering and monitoring. Analysis of computer network traffic for the purposes of information gathering, legal evidence, or intrusion detection, to see exactly what is happening on the network during a proactive audit or cyber investigation.
- Audio forensics:
Extensive solutions for even the most complex cases with multiple speaker scenarios in all languages, with analyze a lot of recordings for authentication, clarification and voice identification include answering machine and voice mail recordings. This examination includes words themselves, the way the words flow together, the pauses between the words and the way the words are formed by the mouth and larynx.
- Video Forensics:
We provide the most advanced video enhancement solution through own proprietary database that enables a computer to quickly compare millions of fingerprints against a worldwide collection of billions. Examine, enhance and authenticate digital and analogue CCTV video evidence and Analyze videos frame-by-frame, Open a variety of video formats, Apply different video processing operations
Please contact us to meet our DF experts to know more about your best suitable requirements.